Saturday, May 30, 2009

General Observations about Europe and US

A few random thoughts:

Dear Europe:

  • We invented something about 60 years ago, it's called an ice machine, you should invest in one. I'm not sure why it takes an Act of God to get ice in a drink.
  • You could increase productivity by 25% by learning how to jaywalk. It's really not a sign of disrespect, it's a sign that you are busy and have things to do.
  • People in Germany drink way too much beer. Maybe that is why everyone smokes here.
  • Britain did not understand that everyone should have voted for Susan Boyle. She does have talent, but the british don't have a clue if they voted her second.

Dear America:

  • The fruits and vegetables in Europe kick ass. They are tasty and real. The US needs to stop putting hormones in our food and get back to basics.
  • Fix the train system. The train system in Europe rocks. It is reliable, comfortable, quick and reasonable. It beats airplain travel any day of the week.
  • No matter what we do, we will never be able to match the history and beauty of the 1500-1700 architecture in Europe.

1 comment:

  1. very amusing! result of trip- new book- "Random Thoughts" (48 days around the world) lol
